Monday, January 18, 2016

It's A Big Picture

Music is more than just playing and listening and feeling it,it actually affect a person's personality and it start to change you slowly, the amount of times you allow yourself to be driven away by music the more your life and your personality will start changing, and its not always pretty or guaranteed you will become better because it can go both ways and you can be even worse its a two sided sword, if you listen to good music and relaxing and happy music ofcourse thats going to obviously make you a better person but if you listen to bad music that invoque violence and bad behaviours on a daily basic it will probably affect you and your thinking and thats when that starts affecting the people around you, if you do start changing in a bad way you will lose your close friends and not be happy with your decisions and the same thing with good behaviours, if you develop them not only the people around you will recognize you but you will even bring people that you dont know close to you, and you are going to be like their inspiration and they will start changing themsleves to be able to stay near you and always be around you because you chaniging yourself first affected them and it sarted changing them too, i believe music should be introduced to the kids too at a very young age because just imagine how our generation would be if they developped good behaviours from a young age


  1. I completely agree with you one hundred percent, Gideon. I know from experience that what you just said is true. I've had friends who listen to what I call "Brutal Rap", a very violent type of music that promotes immoral things. And as the time passed I gradually noticed that their behaviour became more aggresive. I obviously avoid stuff like that because I've seen the effects on what music does to a person. That's why I stick with GOOD music :)

  2. This is so true, some people have experience this. Its also true that music helps to relax and focus more. without music life wouldn't be the same. This blog was awesome and interesting to read.
